Monday, December 17, 2012

catching up with us

I needed a bloggy break for a while. We had a lot going on and when I had time to sit and type. I opted to fold laundry, watch t.v., sleep, ect. So, November was filled with Owen losing his first tooth, school, soccer wrapped up, piano lessons, Thanksgiving, and Wayne and I celebrated our 8th anniversary. I will not bore you with a long post and instead will give you a lot of pictures to look at. Hope all of my readers are doing well and getting ready for Christmas.

LOVE her

Soccer star

last team huddle

Veggie tales live with cousin Eli
looking at where he lost his tooth

the tooth fairy came!

school time
LOVE him


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Little Red Riding Hood

Our story of Little Red Riding Hood and The Big Bad Wolf.
One day Little Red Riding Hood was walking to her Nina's house. She wanted to collect as many pine cones and walnuts as she could.
But Little Red, heard something in the woods and she couldn't see what it was.
Guess who was lurking? It was the Big Bad Wolf! And he wanted Little Reds basket!
Frightened at the strange sounds, she ran to her Nina's house.
But the wolf was much faster and locked her Nina away. He decided to dress up like Nina and try to convince Little Red to give him the basket.

"What big teeth you have", said Little Red. "And, Why are you wearing a funny hat," asked Little Red. Well, that wolf didn't fool little red, but the wolf was so quick that he snatched the basket and ran deep into the woods.
But Little Red didn't mind because she knew it was just her brother being silly. And she wanted to go play outside.
The End!

Here is Owen and Emily trick-or-treating at Miss Rachel's house. Emily loves her so much.
Holding his sisters hand, so sweet!

Family picture about two hours past bedtime.

Owen had so much fun and Emily loved all the "tandy"

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


So I promise, hope to catch up soon. anyway we are on our way to trick or treat and I would love if you would read this post by, the Anderson crew,

I love her view on Halloween. While my family also doesn't do the "evil", we most certainly enjoy dressing up, especially Owen.  Not to mention, free candy! Whoo hoo. =) So I hope if you are out and about tonight or staying home to pass out candy, stay safe and have fun! When else can you dress up and get a way with it.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


I have been slacking on posting on a regular basis. Do you want to play catch up? Sure you do, I heard you say it. So last weekend was great! Friday night Wayne and I did just what I said we would. We grilled steak, watched a movie and I stayed in my pjs. What movie did we watch you ask? It was Snow White and the Huntsman. I know you are thinking, how lame. But I promise it was really good and not what I expected. Best part of the weekend was that I slept in till 8:30 the next day! It was glorious! After pulling my self  from the bed I made it to the couch, where I watched, October Baby. Another great movie! Warning, if you watch this, and I think you should, have tissues close by.
I also managed to get my tree up. After fluffing the tree,  I discovered I needed new lights. I do not have a pre-lit tree, but it is on my list. I ran to Walmart with my mom on Sunday afternoon and purchased new lights. But one round roller of lights was not enough. So the bottom of my tree is bare until I can make it back to the store. I also didn't put up my normal fall leaf garland and sparkly pine cones. Owen had a brilliant idea of putting on all of his and E's fall decorations on ithe tree. I"m going with it and it looks cute. I'll decorate for Christmas the day after thanksgiving.
This week has been so great in the school department. I love watching Owen learn and seeing the light bulb go off. He is kicking some serious hiney in math. Owen is a natural when it comes to math and we have days, where we are doing more than one math lesson. He is like his just like his  dad. I am not so great in math, and there will come a time when I can no longer help him. The other day I read a post by this lady-      LOVE her and this seriously made me laugh out loud! Because I'm the exact same way when it come to math.
I cannot wrap my mind around how fast life is moving lately. It use to drag when I was a kid and now it seems to speed up! Maybe I will write again before next week, unless I'm mysteriously zapped there. Y'all have a good afternoon and enjoy the beautiful weather!
our halloween/fall tree

Friday, October 12, 2012

Soupy Oatmeal

I'm calling this post soupy oatmeal because that what my life has been like the past two weeks. You know when you are making oatmeal and you can't find the right balance of hot water to oatmeal ratio. We are trying to find the balance and I think we have almost found it. So because my life has been soupy oatmeal this post is going to be in bullets to catch you up. That makes sense, right?

  • So last week was hard! I had tears, Owen had tears and it was just not a good week. While we did have good 10-20 minute intervals of good, last week was just plain difficult in the school area.
  • I met with some fellow home school moms who were uplifting, encouraging, and may have seen me almost cry. I know where we,Owen and I,  were hitting the wall, and they gave me some great advice. I am 99% sure we have fixed the problem.
  • So because my week was so difficult, my very sweet husband planned me a night out. I had some yummy Mexican food with a friend and then saw, Taken 2. I don't like most sequels but this was really good.
  • Saturday the family packed up and headed to Cave Springs, Ga. The 411 yard sale was going on and I found a cute little sewing table. I have stripped, sanded, and re stained the top. Now I need to paint it and move it in the house. It will be my new nightstand and I'm so excited! I will post pictures soon.
  • While in Ga we took the kids into an actual cave(hence the name Cave Springs) which Owen thought was awesome.Emily kept growling like a bear, because bears live in caves you know. I'm happy to report there were no bears.
  • Sunday we visited a new church and while everyone was friendly, it just wasn't for us.
  • This week Owen did not have a fall break and he is doing great in school! I also cleaned out my closet and sold a good many things on a online yard sale. Made almost 150$!
  • Because Owen did not have a fall break and had such a good week, I decided he would have a long weekend. NO school today!
  • Lastly, Wayne and I are kid free tonight and when he asked what I wanted to do, I replied with,
    "stay home in my pjs, rent a movie, and eat something yummy for dinner." So that is what we are going to do.  And I may put up my Christmas tree and I don't think it is too early. I'll put fall leaves on it and glittery pine cones for now.
It looks like my soupy oatmeal just got a lot thicker. Happy Weekend!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday, monday

We, Owen in particular, have a case of the Mondays. He loves school! Except when it is Monday, then he hates school. And it doesn't help matters when it is raining outside. Oh how I long for tomorrow.  Do you have a case of the Mondays?

“Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?" --Anne Shirley” 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Weekend Update

 It is Friday, so I can say weekend update, right? Why does the word, update, automatically make my brain hear the "newsflash" sound from my I-phone. Weird! Anyway, so here is an update on our day. Please read this post, like you couldn't wait to know about our day, k. =) The snot twins, aren't so snotty anymore and we even ventured out today. Mainly because Owen had a field trip to the museum, that I had already paid for. It was fun and he was thrilled to see a real hedgehog. And guess what his name was? Sonic! This made my boy so very happy. It's the little things for him. E is finally feeling a little better and stayed with  my best friend for a few hours. Of course E had fun and keeps talking about playing babies at L's house. Owen and I met up with my bestie, her son, and E for the handover and lunch. I always have fun with her and her family. I'm pretty sure I laugh more than talk! We were for sure the loudest table in Zaxbys and when we realized this, it was time to leave. I decided we would go to the Library and to visit with  my mom. My friend said,"well, you are just going to make a day of it." With which I responded,"well, since we live in the boondocks, when we come to town we get everything done." And that is very true. I don't like the 25 min drive.
So with it being past 12 and E still hadn't had a nap, for some reason I decided to stay out in town. She surprised me and did not have any major meltdowns. However I will not test those waters out again. Today I was lucky. The Library was so much fun and both children got a lot of new books. We then ventured over to visit with my mom. Both O and E love to visit Nina at work. You would think they never see her! (insert sarcasm, because we live right beside my parents.) On the way  home E fell asleep and is still sleeping. Maybe I should wake her.
OH and in other news, Owen has his first loose tooth! There is a lot of wiggling going on around here. And Emily is very disappointed Elmo's World no longer comes on. With the new season of sesame street came, Elmo the Musical. It's cute but she misses her regular show. When it comes on she looks at me with sad and confused eyes and then asks,"Mommy, where's Melmo wold". Very cute and sad! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Me and O on the bird of prey trail
Learning about a snake
Reading at the Library