Thursday, October 18, 2012


I have been slacking on posting on a regular basis. Do you want to play catch up? Sure you do, I heard you say it. So last weekend was great! Friday night Wayne and I did just what I said we would. We grilled steak, watched a movie and I stayed in my pjs. What movie did we watch you ask? It was Snow White and the Huntsman. I know you are thinking, how lame. But I promise it was really good and not what I expected. Best part of the weekend was that I slept in till 8:30 the next day! It was glorious! After pulling my self  from the bed I made it to the couch, where I watched, October Baby. Another great movie! Warning, if you watch this, and I think you should, have tissues close by.
I also managed to get my tree up. After fluffing the tree,  I discovered I needed new lights. I do not have a pre-lit tree, but it is on my list. I ran to Walmart with my mom on Sunday afternoon and purchased new lights. But one round roller of lights was not enough. So the bottom of my tree is bare until I can make it back to the store. I also didn't put up my normal fall leaf garland and sparkly pine cones. Owen had a brilliant idea of putting on all of his and E's fall decorations on ithe tree. I"m going with it and it looks cute. I'll decorate for Christmas the day after thanksgiving.
This week has been so great in the school department. I love watching Owen learn and seeing the light bulb go off. He is kicking some serious hiney in math. Owen is a natural when it comes to math and we have days, where we are doing more than one math lesson. He is like his just like his  dad. I am not so great in math, and there will come a time when I can no longer help him. The other day I read a post by this lady-      LOVE her and this seriously made me laugh out loud! Because I'm the exact same way when it come to math.
I cannot wrap my mind around how fast life is moving lately. It use to drag when I was a kid and now it seems to speed up! Maybe I will write again before next week, unless I'm mysteriously zapped there. Y'all have a good afternoon and enjoy the beautiful weather!
our halloween/fall tree

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