Friday, September 28, 2012

Weekend Update

 It is Friday, so I can say weekend update, right? Why does the word, update, automatically make my brain hear the "newsflash" sound from my I-phone. Weird! Anyway, so here is an update on our day. Please read this post, like you couldn't wait to know about our day, k. =) The snot twins, aren't so snotty anymore and we even ventured out today. Mainly because Owen had a field trip to the museum, that I had already paid for. It was fun and he was thrilled to see a real hedgehog. And guess what his name was? Sonic! This made my boy so very happy. It's the little things for him. E is finally feeling a little better and stayed with  my best friend for a few hours. Of course E had fun and keeps talking about playing babies at L's house. Owen and I met up with my bestie, her son, and E for the handover and lunch. I always have fun with her and her family. I'm pretty sure I laugh more than talk! We were for sure the loudest table in Zaxbys and when we realized this, it was time to leave. I decided we would go to the Library and to visit with  my mom. My friend said,"well, you are just going to make a day of it." With which I responded,"well, since we live in the boondocks, when we come to town we get everything done." And that is very true. I don't like the 25 min drive.
So with it being past 12 and E still hadn't had a nap, for some reason I decided to stay out in town. She surprised me and did not have any major meltdowns. However I will not test those waters out again. Today I was lucky. The Library was so much fun and both children got a lot of new books. We then ventured over to visit with my mom. Both O and E love to visit Nina at work. You would think they never see her! (insert sarcasm, because we live right beside my parents.) On the way  home E fell asleep and is still sleeping. Maybe I should wake her.
OH and in other news, Owen has his first loose tooth! There is a lot of wiggling going on around here. And Emily is very disappointed Elmo's World no longer comes on. With the new season of sesame street came, Elmo the Musical. It's cute but she misses her regular show. When it comes on she looks at me with sad and confused eyes and then asks,"Mommy, where's Melmo wold". Very cute and sad! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Me and O on the bird of prey trail
Learning about a snake
Reading at the Library

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cough, sneeze, and blow

Cough, sneeze, and blow, that's what has been happening around here. We have been some pj wearing, soup drinking, nap taking people. When I arrived home Saturday E was still under the weather. I was thinking a fever virus, but Sunday morning I awoke to two babies that require boogie wipes in full force. Fast forward to Monday morning and the cough begins. It has been low key around here as we try to rest and get these babies better. Today Emily had allergy testing and praise the Lord she does not have food allergies like Owen. Also our allergist prescribed her some antibiotics for this nasty cold. He said, " I don't like the way she sounds or looks." So hopefully she'll be on the mend soon. Owen is already doing a little better. Pray my babies are well soon and that Wayne and I stay well. Because we all know that if Wayne gets sick, the husband turns into the biggest baby ;) (love you Wayne) and mommy just can't get sick.
One of the best things ever
Breathing treatments
they prefer to drink their soup through a straw
Their favorite soups
One of my best friends. =)
Playing next to her humidifier
Sick in their stripes, but still smiling.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A most wonderful weekend

This past weekend I attended the dotmom conference in Birmingham and it was wonderful! It was just what I needed. It was a welcomed break and I had a bed all to myself. I also got to spend some fun with a good friend. We even had a late night trip to Wal-mart! I won't share the entire story, but isn't that what you do, when you don't have kids? You go to the store by yourself! Good times! But beyond those things this conference refreshed my soul. I felt I could come  home and defeat any challenges thrown my way. I got a lot of tips to be a better mommy and wife. I was also reminded that Jesus should be and is, the center of our home, not my children or worldly things.  One of my favorite speakers was , Esther Burroughs, you can read more about her here. This lady was real, hilarious, and filled with joy. I hope that I can be like her when I'm older. There were a number of great speakers but she was my favorite. After it was over, my friend and I went to dinner and made wish lists in Pottery Barn and the Apple store. I was glad to return to my family and I'm pretty sure they were even happier for my return. I cannot wait to attend the next dotmom event. It will be in September of next year in TN. I'm already planning for it! If you are a mom this is a must! Maybe I'll see you there.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Time for your checkup, time for you checkup. I'm gonna check your ears, check your eyes, find out how much you've grown. Anyone recognize that song? Doc McStuffins ring a bell? Anyway, last Thursday I took Owen and Emily to our pediatrician to have their checkups. And yes, Owen is almost 6 and this checkup was long overdue. The first hour where they were weighed, measured, and I answer a million questions went great. Our doctor said they are both healthy and doing great! Then it was time,it was time for shots!  I had decided Owen would go first, reasoning being, that I thought he would do great and that way I could hold and console Emily longer. Boy was I wrong! Owen has always done so great with shots. He would watch and never cry. This time around wasn't so easy. Maybe he'd forgotten that it is not so bad or maybe the anticipation, but he was not going to get a shot and he meant it! After he showed his little backside in front of everyone and I caught him. In case you are wondering, yes I had to physically run and chase him around the tiny room. Maybe one day I'll look back and find that funny.  It took myself and 3 people to hold him down to receive his 6 shots! It would have been four but his old pediatrician somehow skipped two of this shots and he had to get 6! It wasn't pretty and we both had tears. All the while Emily is screaming because her brother is screaming. And she had to go next. Luckily she only had to have one shot. I know children have to have vaccines but can't they come up with an easier way to administer them? Owen is now good to go, until he is eleven.  And you better believe I told Wayne he has to take Emily when she is due for her kindergarten shots. Do shots make your kids flip out?

Owen 5 almost 6
57 pounds
47 1/2 inches tall

Emily 2
25 pounds
36 inches tall

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


This fall Owen is playing soccer and he is loving it! Owen was made for this sport. He is able to run, run, run. And he doesn't lose focus. I don't like to brag, but he is one of the best players on his team. His team has a game and practices once a week, so I don't feel we are constantly running. Last week team Royal won their first game! And guess who scored 3 of his teams 7 goals? My little, big boy! It was so exciting to watch! I will be getting a copy of the rules soon because this mommy knows zip about the game. Well, I do know that if you kick it in the right goal, you get a point. :) We can't wait for the next game! Go number 5!
Pregame warm up
Go team Royal!

Going for the goal!

Throwing it in from the side

Battling it out with gold #5

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The most asked question is...,..

So the number one question that I"m asked is..., do you want to guess? I'll tell you what is not asked. What curriculum do you use for Owen? How is school going? What is your schedule like? Do you go on field trips? Nope, none of those questions are really asked. It is, What do you do with Emily during school? Well the answer is time, Elmo, tot trays, reading, and whatever she wants to do, within reason. I don't push learning down her throat. She is two and  is learning every minute of everyday weather some realize it or not. I'm teaching her to say more words and she loves to imitate whatever her big brother is doing. Learning NEEDS to be and IS FUN! When Owen sits down to do, "school", she climbs up in the chair and says,"school, mine." That is where the tot trays come in. I got the idea from here She has amazing ideas! I don't have a cool shelf to set them on, so they are usually placed on her table. I let her pick and choose what to do. Sometimes she only does one or two. Other days she does all of them and some over and over again. Painting and playdoh are favorites! I'll admit some days aren't easy and she does require a lot of attention sometimes. I wrote about Owen's work box system here So when he has a star card, meaning independent work, I usually spend alone time with Emily. Our days are not perfect but they are getting easier as we get into our groove. I took several pictures over a few school days to give you a peek into Emily's day. Sorry for the quality, they are taken with my phone.
Painting with dot makers. After 10 min. she decided to dot her feet!
Watching Elmo, her favorite show
Peg boards
Playdoh Fun
Tot trays for the day. She is working with stickers and coloring.
Taking care of her babies
Washing baby's clothes
Parking cars on Owens sight word parking lot
More tot trays. A red theme today!
Did not want to  use the dry erase board and asked for paint.
Building blocks
And glorious nap time!

Let her sleep for when she wakes, she will move mountains!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Emily is 2!

How can this be? Wasn't she a 6 pound baby yesterday? I sometimes feel she should still be that tiny baby, and not be talking, running, growing into a little girl. But the sad, yet happy truth is that we now have a two year old. Sunday, the 9th, was her birthday. It was a family affair and was a lot of fun. She was all about the presents and, "cucakes". My mom even bought her a new outfit to wear on her special day, but it was huge on her! So she wore her outfit from last year, which was too big then but fit perfectly this go around. She was beyond blessed with all the gifts. Her gifts included baby dolls, baby clothes, new crib and highchair for babies, books, clothes, and a mommy and baby in a pink SUV. Like Wayne said in the birthday video, " those are going to be some well taken care of babies." The girl loves taking care of her babies. I know she'll be a good mommy one day. I'm happy to announce that instead of the terrible twos, we will be saying, "terrific twos"! A girl can hope right? Happy Birthday Emily! Everyone loves you so much!

Monday, September 10, 2012

We did it!

Owen and I completed our first week of homeschooling! I use the words, "I", and "our", because it was a first for both of us. The first day had a few bumps in the road, aka Emily. But after rearranging our schedule a bit, the rest of the week went smoothly. It has become routine now after only a week. And I love that I am able to watch him learn and see his brain click when he understands something. We are using a work box system and it works really well for us. It is a way to keep us organized and a visual for him to see how much schoolwork he has left. The red cards mean that has to work with me. Green cards-a little help from mommy. And the star cards mean independent work. He is really liking this system. I can officially say that I have a kindergartner in our house! YAY! So say a prayer and a cheer, for the rest of the year. I'm a poet and didn't even know it! =) cheesy, I know.

work boxes

the only picture I took of him working on schoolwork

Wanted to take 1st day pics outside but the rain had other plans