Thursday, May 31, 2012

10 things...

10 things I love about my sweet and sassy girl.

1. I love her sassy and determined spirit.
2. I love her laugh.
3. I love her nose, it is the cutest in the world. Especially when she smiles.
4. I love her smile.
5. I love watching her learn and try new things.
6. I love the way she ask,"wheres mommy", when I'm just in the other room.
7. I love the way she adores her big brother.
8. I love the way her eyes light up and she squeals, "daddy" when he comes home.
9. I love her in pajamas.
10. I love that she pats me when giving a hug. A trait she picked up from her papa.

The list could go on and on...oh how I love my sweet and sassy girl!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

10 things...

10 things I love about my little, big boy.
 1. I love that when I tuck him in at night, he ask me," to lay with him all the minutes till he falls asleep."
 2. I love that he says,"yogret", instead of yogurt.
 3. I love the way his cheeks smell after a nap and how they are warm and rosy.
 4. I love that he has a natural talent and love for music.
 5. I love his own unhurried style in life, even though it can drive me crazy sometimes.
 6. I love that he is full of silliness!
 7. I love he has compassion towards others.
 8. I love that he has to have warm chocolate milk in the mornings.
 9. I love him in pajamas.
10.I love his imagination.

The list could go on forever but just wanted to list a few. Oh how I love this boy!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It's summer and where do we begin...

  Even though we are actually on week 2 of our summer, I feel like it is now just beginning. It looks as though June will be busy. Owen was an alternate for t-ball all stars. A little boy dropped out so now we will be doing all stars the next few weeks. I'll admit I'm not over the moon about him playing but it will give him some tournament experience and he has an excellent coach. We didn't practice at all during the regular season, and his new coach practices 3 times a week and spends a lot of time helping Owen be the best he can be.
  This weekend was awesome. Wayne had a three day weekend due to memorial day and it was a lot of fun having him home. On Sunday I babysat one of my good friends little girls. They were precious and it was so much fun! It made for one jealous Emily having a baby in the house. Yesterday was Memorial day and Owen woke up at 5 a.m. to go fishing with my Dad. He said," it was fun catching a fish and going pee-pee in the water!" Who knew the highlight of going fishing was going pee-pee in the water! Yesterday afternoon we played outside in the little pool and then ate dinner with my parents. Owen ended up getting sick last night so we are taking it easy today. Hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend and are kicking off your summers. Happy summer!

up at 450 am about to go fishing

taking baby to the pool

Owen with his Nina

me and my babies

Friday, May 25, 2012

Wedding/date night

A few Saturdays ago Wayne was in a wedding. Our friends Wes and Jill said,"I do", in a beautiful ceremony! And the reception was so much fun! Wayne and I completely took advantage of the night and got a babysitter. Wayne even.....are you ready?...he danced! He wasn't Fred astaire but he danced! What a wonderful night it was. Here is a picture of the bridal party. See if you can guess which one Wayne is? Sorry Jill. :) love you Wayne!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I am still here...

I'm still here, just haven't been able to really sit down and type in a while. The past month and 1/2 were filled with big decisions, t-ball, end of the school year programs,evaluations,...everything. My sister graduated with her masters degree and Owen had his k4 graduation. So to say we have been busy would be an understatement. While all of this was going on I seriously neglected my housework. A bomb could have exploded in our house and I would've been ok with that. At least I would have gotten a nice new clean house,right? But because I love my family and don't want to appear on some tv show about dirty houses, I decided to clean it up. Last Thursday was our last day of school and it has literally taken me a week to get everything cleaned, organized, and oh the laundry! Myself and house are now in order and I hope to become a regular blogger again. Oh and did I mention I quit my job.?!.? That's right, I sure did! It was past time for a change and.....we have made the decision to home school. After much prayer, research, and talking with other homeschooling families,we feel this is right thing for our family. We will take it year by year for now. Many prayers are appreciated, because Lord knows I will need some. I will finally be a sham, and homeschooling my little, big boy, while having a two year old! We are excited for our summer and the new adventures that are in our future.
Ashley and Owen at her graduation

Walking in to the sanctuary. He was so excited!

playing 3rd base

She loves her brother

Owen standing in front of his "all about me" board

Owens class on the last day of prek. Fun day in the gym!