Friday, April 20, 2012

Life through my phone

Helping do the dishes
watching owen play t-ball with bart
Owen was given the gameball

Sunday, April 15, 2012

5k and Easter(a tad late)

Yesterday I did it, I completed my first 5k and had a great finish time! My best time so far, 38:58. I had so much fun and can't wait to do another. The weather was perfect and running with others was a blast. Today I'm recovering from my calves being a tad sore. I'm guessing from the few hills on the course. I plan on running tomorrow. Especially since I felt the need to eat horribly this weekend with my reasoning being, I just ran 3.1 miles in 38 min!

Now to back track....Last Sunday was Easter and was the most relaxing one I've ever experienced. We didn't rush to go to church anywhere. We are still in the process of finding a home church. Instead I cooked a huge breakfast and Wayne read the Easter story from his bible. After visiting with Wayne's mother for a couple of hours, it was home for naps. We then went to my parents, where we hunted eggs and had a fabulous dinner. This will be one of my favorite Easter Sunday memories.