Monday, February 13, 2012

Best Husband ever!

Today I had the worst migraine and it came on fast. I'll spare you all of the yucky details of the migrane but I did take meds. and went to bed. After waking from my Phenergan induced coma, I found that  my kitchen had been cleaned, laundry done,(and I'm talking washed, dried, folded, & put away!) and children were playing quietly. He gets the best husband award! Oh and did I mention he also cooked dinner and washed the dinner dishes! No, you may not have him. I know that is what you were thinking. Anyway, I am one lucky girl and am so thankful that he takes care of me when I need it most.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sweet little, big boy

I love my first born so much! Caught him in bed with books before bed the other night and of course I said," you can keep reading for 10 more minutes." Who couldn't resist that sweet little,big boy.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

17 months

Happy 17 months to my sassy baby girl!
Emily, molly(dog), and the chickens. She loves the chickens!
Emily and I

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I have sinned

Sinned have I....Well maybe not anything major but I have had two dr. peppers today! On my journey to get healthy I have cut out dr.pepper, which is something that I had become addicted to.  I am attending Zumba classes two, sometimes three times a week. I have also started running again and I'm preparing to run in my first 5k race. Emily isn't feeling well today and I have a major headache. Why I gave in and reached into the fridge twice, I will never know. And Emily and the headache should not be an excuse! Why did I not refill my water jug? My good looking husband who still indulges in the sweet, burn your throat, dr. peppers and he looks amazing. He is also able to eat pretty much whatever he wants and still look great. He has put on a little weight but it agrees with him. How is it he looks better with age? I'm not complaining but gees louise! I have to work really hard to look somewhat decent. So yes I sinned and gave in to the sweet drink and it was GREAT. I feel like if I shared with everyone that maybe, just maybe, I won't give in anymore. I will get fit this year and I mean it.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The greatest show on earth, for Owen

Two Sundays ago we all went to the Greatest Show on Earth. For Owen's birthday my parents got all of us tickets to the circus. His birthday is just a few days after Christmas so birthday presents can be somewhat of a challenge. This was an awesome present and we had such a wonderful time. I will never forget the expressions on their faces as they both took it all in. I split my viewing time between circus performers and watching them.  Owen loved the tigers, motorcycles and the dragon. Each year Barnum and Bailey have a new theme. This year, is the year of the dragon and by the time it was over we had the theme song stuck in our heads. Does the dragon live in you? =) Emily loved the elephants!  Now whenever she sees a picture or video of an elephant, she gets very excited. Thank you Nina and Papa for the circus tickets! I know that it was a birthday present that Owen will always remember.
Oand E with Nina and Papa

watching pre-show on Daddy's shoulders

The sword, one of the many souvenirs

Possibly one of my favorite pictures,and loving it blurry

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Extra family time

Since Wayne acquired another route and several employees he has been enjoying the freedom of not being on a truck everyday. This has allowed him to have more time at home, which we all LOVE. We have enjoyed eating lunch together,(something that use to only occur on weekends) playing more, sharing kitchen duty ( I know this may sound silly to some, but huge to me) and just being together. O and E are loving all the daddy time too! Owen asks everyday after school,"will Daddy be home when we get there? " This afternoon was so beautiful and we decided to go to a local park. O and E loved playing on all of the old playground equipment. Not to mention I was able to get in a run/walk while we were there. I'm so thankful for the beautiful weather we had today and spending time with my family everyday.